Welcome to
your Hampton Yacht Club Foundation.
The Foundation really wants you to see that we are your foundation. There is no point in having a Yacht Club Foundation if we are not carrying out the goals of our Club Members and donors. As a start, the Foundation Board has created a draft Mission Statement. Check it out and let us know what you would like changed. We are accepting comments throughout May. Then expect to see us off and running. Send comments to info@HYCFoundation.org.
Consider donating to your Foundation. Check out the Donations FAQs to help you figure out how best to support your Foundation. In the FAQs you will learn about making restricted and unrestricted donations allowing you, for example, to restrict your donation to support Junior Sailing, about making a one-time donation or scheduling monthly donations, about donating a boat or sails, about buying naming rights on Junior Sailing boats or sails, about legacy donations and about boosting your donation at no cost to you with a matching donation from your employer.
This web page is temporary. Once we know what you want us to do we will develop specific programs to accomplish these goals and will use this page to highlight these programs and our progress on them.
So speak up and let us hear from you. Speak up and make this your Foundation.
The Hampton Yacht Club Foundation (the “Foundation”) is a corporation organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. The Foundation promotes participation in boating, education and environmental awareness through collaborative programming, fundraising and community partnerships. The mission includes
supporting amateur youth sailing, youth sailing instruction, water safety instruction, amateur youth sailboat racing, boating and marine education and other activities conducted through the junior sailing program operated by the Hampton Yacht Club, Inc. (“HYC”),
supporting adult sailing, sailing instruction, water safety instruction, sailboat racing, boating and marine education and other activities conducted for the benefit of the members of HYC and the general public, and
supporting other boating and maritime-related activities.
The Foundation plans to achieve its Mission through several initiatives, including
supporting the Junior Sailing program at HYC, including needs-based scholarships to support participants in the program’s various sailing camps and, where possible, by accepting boat donations either for re-sale, for use in the program or in the adult sailing program at HYC,
working with organizations which emphasize youth learn-to-sail, especially for youth who would not normally have an opportunity to learn to sail, including by providing needs-based scholarships to these youths, and
working with youth sailing programs to encourage their students to participate in youth sailing racing at HYC, including by providing needs-based scholarships to these youths if needed.
Ways to Donate to the Hampton Yacht Club Foundation
Does the Foundation accept general and restricted donations?
The Foundation accepts both restricted and unrestricted donations, although, at present, restricted donations may only be restricted for use with the Junior Sailing program. Unless you indicate with your donation that your donation is restricted for Junior Sailing, your donation will be available for all Foundation programs, including Junior Sailing. In order to help fund the Foundation, which is all volunteer, 15% of restricted donations will be treated as available for general purposes.
How can I donate money to the Foundation?
Check – send a check to the Club addressed to the Foundation and made out to “Hampton Yacht Club Foundation” or “HYC Foundation”.
PayPal – Just click the "Donate to the Foundation" button above. & you will be redirected to our PayPal donation page. There you will have the ability to make a one-time donation or a recurring donation. You will also have the ability to make a restricted or unrestricted donation using a PayPal account or a Card.
Junior Sailing Amazon Wish List – Did you know that Junior Sailing has an Amazon Wish List of inexpensive equipment needs? They do and most items are under $50 with only two over $100. Check out the list: https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/52KXYA9YTOR. Pick out some items, go through the checkout process without actually paying, determine the full price with sales taxes and delivery and donate the full checkout amount to the Foundation as a restricted donation for Junior Sailing. Then send us an e-mail at info@HYCFoundation.org telling us the amount of the donation and which items you picked. The
Foundation will provide your items to Junior Sailing in your name.
Employer Match – Want to donate for free? Well, sort of. Many employers have programs in place to match all or a portion of your donation. You donate $100, they donate $100. You donate $500, they donate $500. You will be credited in the Foundation’s Donor Circle for the full amount of your donation and your employer’s match. Contact us at info@hycfoundation.org for more information –- we can help you figure out if your employer has a matching program.
Legacy Donation – Consider making a planned legacy donation as part of your estate planning process. Contact the Foundation at info@hycfoundation.org if you are interested. We have simple paper work which you can use as part of this process. Be sure to involve your estate planner.
Can I donate a boat to the Foundation?
Please contact the Foundation at info@hycfoundation.org if you wish to donate a boat. At the moment, the Foundation is only accepting donations of sailboats and/or RIBs and only on a case-by-case basis. Boats must be of the type currently used by the Junior or adult sailing programs. Boats must be in good or better condition and come with all sails and other equipment necessary to make them sailable and safe without further expense to the Foundation.
Does the Club offer “naming rights” on its Junior Sailing boats/sails?
Please contact the Foundation at info@hycfoundation.org if you wish to receive naming rights. This type of donation is still under discussion.
Are my donations to the Foundation tax deductible?
Only your tax adviser can fully answer this question, and circumstances may vary, however, the Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity and by and large the full amount of your donation should be tax deductible.
Bumps Scholarship
Great news!
The Bumps Scholarship has been moved under the umbrella of the Foundation. Your donations to the Bump Scholarship Fund are now tax deductible. Simply click “Donate to the Foundation” below, enter your Donation amount, and select “Donate for Bumps Scholarship” in the drop-down box. The Foundation will use your donation to fund a Scholarship recipient selected for a Bumps Scholarship. Don’t like computers? Just send a check to the Club made out to “HYC Foundation - Bumps Scholarship”.